Getting back to work

If you're like me you feel like you need another holiday from holiday as soon as you arrive home. I've just been to Italy and I usually need a week to get into the holiday mood, turning off the thinking switch and get into the vibes of nothing doing. So when you actually do reach the chilling state of mind it's time to go home. Of course there is one thing I always come home with-it's the lazy daydreaming attitude. Although the last days have been crazy busy here at LOOLAA I am still trying to reset the creative button. Having my thoughts flow naturally rather than burning myself out.

Today I woke up relaxed. I didn't rush straight in front of the screen, instead I took my time enjoying my morning flow feeling balanced and connected. I tricked my mind into thinking there was nothing to do or achieve today. Slowly sipping my morning coffee flipping through the new issue of Vogue the inspiration and creative juices was soon to come. 

Being able to stop and listen and taking a different approach to my routine I opened myself to other possibilities I would have otherwise close the door to. Also I discovered an amazing artist and photographer Marton Perlaki. Hungarian born now living in NY he brings the milky-hues together with still life, the weird and the wonderful working in perfect harmony. Check him out. He is definitely someone I will be coming back to for more inspiration. 

The first below artwork is indirect copy of his fashion photography for V by Very at the Sept Voque issue. Followed by more photographs by Marton Perlaki.